Just decided to make recruiting rules so that when people tryout people they will know what people they are looking for. The rules will be in the same format as tha clan rules. These are just general rules. Its not just about the players you recruit but its also rules for the recruiters themselves and any other rules about trying out new members.
1. Don't recruit anyone who is in it just for the colours and sponsorship. When they are joining they must be loyal to the clan or else they are useless to us.
2. The people you recruit must not use a cheap characters such as Juggy or sentinel or that suck really badly. They must be skilled and use characters such as ryu, and ken, and akuma or characters like sakura. Theyre most characters they can use but these are the most common used.
3. If the person who wishes to join kok is in another clan, they must choose between that clan their in and kok. They cannot be in both clans. HOWEVER if the other clan they're is a support clan of kok such as ~DR~ which me and shadow resserected then they can join kok and stay in DR.
4. When the person joins kok they must make a new sfo ign under the kok name. The format should be (KOK) then after (KOK) can be any name they want. If theyre in DR or any other suport clan of kok then I will take care of it from their.
5. Only SUPERMODS,MODS CO LEADERS AND JIN can recruit in the clan. I have been told a few times that everyone can recruit but I dont think that should be the case. Im a nice guy and Im not tryna be unfair but theyre should be a limit to everything. But what you can do is that if you have a friend you know or someone else you would wanna reccommand then pm any recruiter or talk to a recruiter when you come across them about your friend then we try them out and if they are worthy then can join the clan.